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Our management team has extensive experience in life settlements, complimentary backgrounds and international experience
Our focus is to create attractive and predictable long-term returns for our clients. Sustainability is an integral part of how we operate
Sturegatan 46
114 36 Stockholm Sweden
Nybrogade 12
1203 Copenhagen Denmark
Investing in funds is associated with risk and a fund’s historical return is no guarantee of future returns. The value of the fund units can both increase and decrease and it is not certain that you get back the entire capital invested. No account is taken of inflation. Please note that Resscapital AB only acts as the portfolio manager of the fund and that we do not offer any investment advice. The information on our website should therefore not be seen as investment recommendations to investors, or as an offer or invitation to buy, or sell, fund units. You should always review the product sheets, KIID and prospectus before completing a purchase and discuss any investment with a professional investment advisor. By using this website, you confirm that you have read and understood the above information.
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