Sustainable Organisation

Ress Capital | Responsible Investments | Sustainable Organisation

Sustainable organisation

Ress Capital is dedicated to creating a sustainable organisation across various dimensions of the business. As part of its employer responsibility, Ress Capital shall ensure a good organisational and social work environment and a safe and secure workplace. Processes shall also be created to stimulate our employees’ ideas and initiatives. Ress Capital also promotes equality and diversity at the workplace. The company supports and encourages its employees’ civic participation. Emphasis shall be placed on promoting the employees’ health and wellbeing.

Ress Capital has adopted a remuneration policy with the purpose of counteracting a risk-taking that is incompatible with the risk profile, fund rules, articles of association or corresponding regulations. The remuneration policy shall promote effective risk management, which includes the management of sustainability risks.

The remuneration policy shall also be consistent with the business strategy, objectives, values and long-term interests of the Company and the managed alternative investment funds or investors in the alternative investment funds, as well as a list of measures to be taken to avoid conflicts of interest.

Engagement policies

Ress Life Investments does not allocate funds to equities, such as company shares, or debt issued by companies. As a result, we do not exercise active ownership through voting shares or engagement with companies on ESG matters, thereby limiting the ability to influence decisions through votes in general meetings or participate in election committees for board composition.

However, our ongoing sustainability analysis and efforts serves as a solid basis for engaging with stakeholders and partners. This creates an opportunity to influence our stakeholders and partners to develop their sustainability profile in the right direction. This is a long-term process, seeking to influence behavior and increase disclosure.

Community engagement and charity

Community engagement is important to us. We are proud to take an active role in creating social value in the communities we live and work in. As part of our community involvement, we continuously work to support charities and fundraisers for charitable causes.

Ress capital supports Barncancerfonden (The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund), Mattecentrum (Math Centre), Mentor Sverige (Mentor Sweden), UNICEF Ukraina (UNICEF Ukraine), Bröstcancerförbundet (The Swedish Breast Cancer Association), Alzheimerfonden (The Swedish Alzheimer’s Foundation), Stockholms Stadsmission (Stockholm City Mission), Prostatacancerförbundet (Swedish Prostate Cancer Association), Frälsningsarmén (The Salvation Army), Rädda Barnen (Save the Children Sweden) and Världsnaturfonden WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature).

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