Fund announcements

Insider transactions with Ress Life Investments A/S-shares

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Published: 2016-06-01 19:13:07 CEST

Ress Life Investments
Holbergsgade 14, 2 tv
DK-1057 Copenhagen K
CVR nr. 33593163
To: Nasdaq Copenhagen
Date: 1 June 2016

Corporate Announcement 20/2016

Insider transactions with Ress Life Investments A/S-shares

In relation to the Danish Securities Law §28a (værdipapirhandelslovens §28a) concerning management and their close relations transactions, Ress Life Investments A/S hereby announces that the following transaction has taken place:

Name: Jack Austern

Reason: Member of the board of directors

Issuer: Ress Life Investments A/S

ISIN: DK0060315604

Security: Ordinary shares

Transaction: Share puchase

Trading date: 1 June 2016

Market: Funds – Other Collective Investment Schemes

Number of Shares: 50

Value in EUR: 69,050

Questions related to this announcement can be made to the company’s AIF-manager, Resscapital AB.

Contact person:
Jonas Mårtenson
Tel +46 8545282 09


Ress Life Investments AS – Company Announcement 20-2016.pdf

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