
Ress Capital continues to sponsor William Hansson

Ress Capital was the proud sponsor of the alpine race skier William Hansson in the season 2020/2021, and we will continue to support William this season. 20-year-old William is one of Scandinavia’s most promising young ski talents. Unfortunately, William had a facture to his right leg in March 2021 and has since then not been able to compete at full strength. In the interview below you can read more about the accident and William’s way back to world class.

Just as in our own business, alpine skiing requires hard work over long-term to deliver top performance and to build on and surpass previous success. Analysis and preparation – with an unwavering focus on details that need to be fine-tuned – puts exacting demands on those who want to succeed.


Hi William, how have you been since our last interview in the beginning of 2021?

Hi, I have been very good thank you. I have had a lot of fun, both off and on the ski slopes, just trying to progress and reach for my goals. I think I have taken some great steps in my skiing, and I look forward to get back to the starting gate!


Tell us about the accident you had at the end of last season?

In the middle of March, I broke my shinbone during a race in Sunne, Sweden. The snow cover was 20 cm thick, soft and it got very humid and warm. In a ski-racers perspective, this was not the optimal conditions. I headed out the slope on my first round. I remember making some mistakes, but skiing felt SO good. I was just about to reach the finish line when the accident happened. My right ski got stuck in the soft snow, the leg twisted, and I fell forward over my skis. As a result of all the adrenalin, I didn’t feel any pain at first, so I rose. I then started to feel a strange feeling in one leg, it felt loose. Seconds later I realized that it was badly broken. I got to tell you, taking off my ski boot was no fun…


The accident was very unfortunate, tell us about how you have recovered from it and what lessons you can take with you from the experience as whole?

Luckily, the operation was successful. One metal plate and fourteen screws later, the rehab period had started. I felt quite “knocked down” from the whole situation. But the faster I accepted the fact that it was going to be a long and tough way back through rehab, the better it felt. When I after six weeks got my plastered tibia switched to a removable cast, I began practicing my ankle and foot mobility. Which progressed to catching up on my leg and body strength. During my rehab process I learned to appreciate the little things in life, and new activities caught my attention. I began playing a lot of golf with my friends and most valuable – I started to tackle my weaknesses.


Ress Capital will continue to sponsor you and encourage you in your skiing career. What are your goals for the upcoming seasons?

My main goal for the upcoming season is of course to get back into racing. When this can be, is still a bit unclear. The leg needs to heal fully, and I want to feel 100% mentally prepared. I started skiing again in the beginning of October 2021. Since then, I have been taking small steps every day, trying to figure out my leg’s capacity. I would say my main goal is to get back to racing in the European Cup. Then, with a lot of work and dedication I want to attend the World Junior Championship in Canada this year.


What is your number one advice for children who wants to start racing in slalom and giant slalom?

My main advice for all the kids out there in the ski-slopes- is to have fun. I would dare to say that having fun in the ski slopes and enjoy what you are doing – is the key foundation for all people starting to ski. This of course, also applies for those who start racing.


To check, last time you told us Coronet Peak in New Zealand had the best skiing in the world. Have you changed your mind in the last year?

I have been visiting many beautiful places in the world during my racing career. My number one ski resort continues to be Cornet Peak in New Zealand. But since you ask, another extraordinary place is Cortina in Italy. Cortina is a favourite since we took World Championship silver in Parallel Giant Slalom in February 2021. This was a very big moment and milestone for me. The scenery in Cortina is absolutely insane with the beautiful Dolomites surrounding the resort.


Name three things that you do the same day you are going into an Alpine World Cup race, any routines for good luck?

Three things I strive to do during a World Cup competition is to

  1. Eat a good and tasty breakfast in the morning
  2. Get a good warmup done so I feel ready in my body and activated for the race
  3. Remember to have a lot of fun and enjoy the moment

Three things that usually makes a great day for me!


About Resscapital

Resscapital AB is an alternative investment fund manager (AIFM) authorised and regulated by the Swedish Financial Services Authority (Finansinspektionen).

We have since 2011 bought a diversified life insurance portfolio on behalf of Ress Life Investments, which is listed at NASDAQ Copenhagen. Proprietary portfolio management systems and pricing models have been developed. The company also collaborates with independent medical underwriters specialising in senior mortality.

The management team has complimentary backgrounds and international experience from having worked at major banks, institutional investors and hedge funds. The board of directors consists of both successful entrepreneurs and senior managers with extensive experience from the financial industry.

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Attractive Long-Term Returns 

Ress Life Investments A/S purchases US life insurance policies in the secondary market. The company owns a diversified portfolio and policies are issued by over 50 highly rated US life insurance companies. The investment objective is to provide attractive uncorrelated returns in USD over the long-term. Ress Life Investments is listed at Nasdaq Copenhagen since 2015.

Attractive risk-adjusted return – the target return is 7% per annum in USD without any leverage.

Low volatility – a well-diversified life insurance portfolio offers investors stable and attractive risk-adjusted returns. Monthly historical volatility during the last five years is 4%.

Risk diversification – the return profile of the life insurance portfolio is characterised by low correlation to other asset classes, which makes the strategy attractive for investors seeking risk diversification.

Exchange-traded – the company is listed at NASDAQ Nordic and a market-maker provides daily prices.

Ress Life Investments A/S is a limited liability company incorporated in Denmark. The company is an alternative investment fund (AIF) managed by Resscapital AB, a limited liability company incorporated in Sweden. Resscapital AB is authorised as an alternative investment fund manager (AIFM) and supervised by Finansinspektionen, the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.

The depositary for Ress Life Investments A/S is Artha Fondsmaeglerselskab A/S. The administrator is Citco Denmark ApS, which is part of the Citco Group. The independent board consists of four members with extensive experience from the financial markets. Ress Life Investments A/S is audited annually by Deloitte.

Ress Life Investments A/S is admitted to trading and official listing on NASDAQ Copenhagen. The company’s short name is RLAINV, ISIN DK0060315604. Current share prices can be found under the segment – Alternative Investment Funds on  NasdaqOMXNordic.

Danish and Swedish retail investors and professional/accredited investors may also subscribe for shares on a monthly basis at the company’s current net asset value per share.


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