Fund announcements

The events of Ress Life Investments A/S annual general meeting held on 10 January 2018

Published: 2018-01-10 12:10:15 CET

Ress Life Investments A/S
Holbergsgade 14, 2 tv
DK-1057 Copenhagen K
CVR nr. 33593163
To: Nasdaq Copenhagen
Date: 10 January 2018

Corporate Announcement 85/2018

The events of Ress Life Investments A/S annual general meeting held on 10 January 2018

At the annual general meeting of Ress Life Investments A/S held on Wednesday 10 January 2018, the following decisions were taken

  • The 2016/2017 Annual Report was approved – cf item 1 of the agenda
  • Helle Marianne Breinholt, Jeppe Buskov and Jack Austern were re-elected to the Board of Directors – cf item 3 of the agenda
  • The remuneration for the Board of Directors for the financial year 2017/2018 was approved – cf item 4 of the agenda
  • Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was re-elected as auditor -cf item 5 of the agenda

Questions related to this announcement can be made to the company’s AIF-manager, Resscapital AB.

Contact person:
Jonas Mårtenson
Tel + 46 8545282 09

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